Welcoming the Child with Hearing Loss into Child Care
Printable to give to day care providers to help the person providing child care to better understand the challenges and special needs of the child with hearing loss.
An open letter to new parents
You're not alone. Mariana shares her story of how her son was diagnosed with hearing loss.
Teaching Audiogram
Have you heard of the 'speech banana'? This is it. The yellow banana-shaped area on the audiogram shows the hearing levels needed to detect the sounds shown.
Factors to Consider
A short list of factors to consider when choosing how to communicate with your child.
For the family
This questionnaire is designed to guide your family in considering communication development based on your families needs and goals, in preparation for an IFSP.
A decision guide
Deciding which communication method(s) will be best for your child can be stressful. This guide from the CDC will help you learn about different communication options so that you can make the best decision for your family.
Making a plan for your child
This document from the CDC is designed to guide conversations between you and your IFSP team, as you address the unique communication considerations for your child.
A parent's guide to deaf and hard of hearing early intervention recommendations
"How do we know if our child is receiving the right services?" This guide from the EHDI Parent Committee seeks to answer this commonly asked question.
Family Outcomes Checklist
A quick list to give you ideas to go over with your early intervention team.
Family Goal Page
A template to fill out and share with your IFSP team. Your answers here will to guide the team in developing the IFSP.
IDEAL - Indiana Deaf Education and Assessments of Language
Listing of Tools and Assessments recommended by HEA 1484 to use for language progress monitoring of deaf or hard-of-hearing children.
Early Intervention Roles and Services
A guide to help parents understand the roles and services that are available to families of deaf and hard of hearing children.
IFSP outcomes
General suggestions too help guide families in the topics they may want to address.
Sample form, used to create the IFSP.
What to expect from your early intervention provider
Questions to help determine the effectiveness of your early intervention program.
IN Hands & Voices YouTube Channel
Our YouTube channel contains past presentations from our EHDI Family Conference, with translations in Spanish.
First Steps to Early Intervention
This is a plan, developed by a partnership between Indiana Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) and Guide By Your Side, to help families record and plan for services from First Steps.
Teletherapy - Parent Experience
One mom’s experience with teletherapy.
Teletherapy - what you need to know
Tip sheet about teletherapy.
School Intro Letter for Younger Children
Printable to introduce your child to a new teacher.