Our Mission
Indiana Hands & Voices is a parent-driven organization that supports families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing without a bias around communication modes or methodology.
Hands & Voices is dedicated to supporting families with children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing without a bias around communication modes or methodology. We are a parent-driven, non-profit organization providing families with the resources, networks, and information they need to improve communication access and educational outcomes for their children. Our outreach activities, parent/professional collaboration, and advocacy efforts are focused on enabling deaf and hard-of-hearing children to reach their highest potential.
Indiana Hands & Voices is a chapter of Hands and Voices Headquarters www.handsandvoices.org.
The Indiana Chapter of Hands & Voices came about after a gathering of parents who have deaf or hard-of-hearing children felt inspired to begin a local chapter as a means to unite parents throughout Indiana and provide a venue in which information could be easily shared. Creating a strong network of both parents and professionals gives us strength and influence, creating the power to change.
In our organization you will find a safe sounding board for the choices you are making as a parent. You will find non-judgmental support, feedback, input, and validation.
Our organizations board consists of deaf, hard-of-hearing, and hearing individuals. We are parents with deaf and hard-of-hearing children. We are also professionals from the health and educational fields who work with this special population.
Hands and Voices is an instrument for representation, collaboration, and advocacy. Here parents give "hands" & "voices" to a constituency of minors and put a "face" on the issues.