Cued Speech
What is Cued Speech?
Cued Speech is a mode of communication using the mouth and hand to visually distinguish the building blocks (phonemes) of a spoken language to promote the development of language and literacy visually for those who do not receive sufficient input through listening or assistive devices. The cues represent the phonemes of English language.
Featured Resources:
The NCSA supports a community of cuers who have come together to promote language accessibility through Cued Speech. Some of us are native cuers. Some are parents of children who are deaf and hard of hearing (D/HH) or need visual access to language. Some are professionals who work with those who are D/HH or need visual access to language.
The Cue College vision is to enable every deaf child to have easy and effective communication in the spoken language of the home and community, from infancy through adulthood, providing each with the necessary foundation for attaining age-appropriate language and literacy levels and full educational and career opportunities.
Click here for our complete list of Cued Speech resources.